Become A Better Communicator Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps you understand how people experience their world. With these skills, you can communicate better with people in a way that they can relate to. Here is how these tools will help you at work, at home and in all of your relationships with people.

People Use Their Senses to Perceive the World Around Them

People show a preference as to which senses they favor when experiencing the world. The three primary senses used are seeing, hearing and feeling. When you observe people closely, you'll discover what their favorite senses are based on how they prefer to interact with the world and how they communicate with others.

A visual person (seeing) will prefer going to movies and may even have a large collection of DVDs at home. They decorate their office and home with photos. Subtle words in their speaking give away their preference for the visual world:

"It looks like it will be a sunny day today." "I see the merit in that business plan."

An auditory (hearing) person prefers going to a concert over a movie. They may consistently have music playing wherever they go and will have collected a number of songs on their smartphone. Silence is foreign to them so they may keep up a constant conversation going when around friends. Their language contains hints of the auditory preference:

"I heard that it will be sunny all day today." "That sounds like a good plan to me."

The kinesthetic person (feelings) looks for experiences that evoke pleasant feelings for them. They may have favorite TV shows that make them feel happy and they may put up motivational posters in their office to enhance their workspace. The focus on feelings comes through in their speech:

"It feels like we'll have another sunny day today." "My gut tells me that this is a solid plan."

How NLP Helps You Communicate More Effectively

The techniques you learn in NLP help you quickly identify what sensory preferences people have. The best NLP training will emphasize hands-on experiences with others in the class so you become comfortable picking out those traits. You'll also learn how to modify your language to better communicate with people in ways they understand. For example, in an office meeting to discuss a new marketing plan being presented you may ask the following questions:

Speaking with people using their sensory preference builds rapport and establishes a stronger channel of communication with them. Click here to learn more about the best NLP training.
